About Us
We bought our first alpacas in May 2021, on a bit of a whim, because we needed some animals to graze the fields. I ordered 3 from a breeder in Northumberland, who warned me they are addictive. By the time those three had started quarantine, I had found another 2 to share the wagon!
Trekking was never the plan, but we were surprised to find out that EVERYONE wants to come and see the alpacas! So we decided to give trekking a go! Because alpacas have such individual characters, we were never sure whether they would be suited to trekking or interacting with the public, but we struck lucky because they all had lovely temperaments.
But we were never going to be able to stop at 5! In September, another 4 arrived from Cornwall - 2 slightly older and experienced trekkers to give confidence to my boys, and 2 babies who hadn't had much handling but have turned out to be wee crackers and a favourite of our smaller visitors!
Over the last 3 years we have refined our herd, with some leaving us for more suitable non-trekking homes, and more arriving. We now have thirteen, and they are the ultimate Dream Team for trekking. People often ask if I have a favourite, but I just love them all!!
The addiction is real! Keep your eyes peeled for new additions!!